Hello. Welcome to the calm before the storm. I’m waiting for the Freak Out. We are leaving the familiar comfort of our life here in Toronto, Canada in 7 weeks. The unfamiliar awaits us on the other side of the world in China and other parts of Southeast Asia. This is slightly exciting but mostly nerve wracking for someone who likes to be in control;)

Attempting to stay in control:)

Attempting to stay in control:)

I always knew I would write this blog to document our journey. I see it as a connector – connecting us to our friends and family, connecting others to our experiences as well as connecting ourselves to our experiences. But the greatest expectation for this blog is to hold me accountable to stop and be mindful of the moment, mindful of the experience. I think that writing for others is the best way to help me do this. A private journal would not have the same accountability factor as the writer and the reader are the same person!

If you are wondering what I will be writing about, I plan to write about all the things that make me happy – food, culture, pretty places, my children, our family. I plan to write about life. The mundane and the exciting. The slowing down of it and the growth of it. I plan to write about how traveling and seeing other parts of the world will change my children, change our family, change myself.

5 thoughts on “

  1. Control freaks of the world unite! Nice readable page! I hope you’re going to share every step of the trip, from clogged airports to the glories of Asian landscapes with us. I’d love to see some pics!


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